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McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:38 pm
by Ian Grace
As mentioned on the home page, this car is being offered for sale in Belgium. The car has a very significant history. In 1962 it was offered to the Montagu Motor Museum by the parents of a son who was killed in the War. The museum didn't have the capacity to take it on so offered it to Bev Hicks, who was at that time busy developing the fledgling Morris 8 Tourer Club, which later became the Morris Register. He took it on and restored it, famously taking it to Beaulieu where it drew considerable interest. In 1970, Bev sold the car to Tony Dunster (Chris Dunster's brother - Chris was at VMR Prescott last year). Tony subsequently sold it to a new owner in Germany and then it disappeared from the Morris world. Rumours circulated later on that it had subsequently been sold to an owner in Belgium, and through diligent research last year, this owner was fond, and he still has the car.

And today, in response to an e-mail from the Register, comes the news that the car is being offered for sale. There are only two known surviving 1933 McEvoy Minors in the world, and the other one is about to arrive at VMR HQ, so it is critical that someone in the UK acquires TJ 1876 and repatriates it before it goes to ground for another 30 years.

If anyone has a genuine interest, please e-mail me for more on this historic Morris. And be quick. :o

Below are two photos from Rod King, taken at Beaulieu in the sixties.



And here is the car during the War:


Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:44 pm
by Ian Grace
For those who have expressed an interest in this car, this is the latest from the owner:

"Hello Ian,
I thanck you for your message. OK, I do the necessary about price, condition of the car, and pictures; but you he-ave to wait a few days because I do not practice very well the P.C, and need the help of my daughter next week."

Watch this space.

Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:12 pm
by Ian Grace
More news just in:

"Hello Ian,
I thinck I am ready to try to send, join to these message, pictures of =
the car. I receided the car in very bad condition, but complete. =
The engine was broken (the engine block was cracked all along the =
valve line) I take the motor block to professional solderer, but but it =
wa worst, water came out just lioke a fountain). I searched in =
belgium a othe engine (morris minor1932/33)
buit i didn't find it. Finaly, I fonnd a motor block in G B, at =
Beaulieu, and I travel to Beaulieu to buy it.
After these adventure, I took the machine completely to pieces, and put =
them to sand and cver the frame with zinc.
The first wing came back just like a lace, and a coach-builder, made me =
two new first wings, just like the original. The wooden coach-frame =
was comletely rotten, and son in law, who is a joiner made me a new in =
oak.After, whe made new door panels, and l
whe rebuild the car.
The insurance company (Prudential) send an expert to estimate the value =
of the car. I join the result of the estimation.
Last year I decided to sale the car, and asked SOTHEBIS (in fact H & H =
Classics) if they are interested, and what about a estimation, and the =
respons was, +/- 75000 ?, but I have to pay 3750 ? for the hamer, + =
registration + shipping to Buxton (Derbyshire), and what about the =
exportation or import taxes ?
Making up my mind, I thinck a price of 50.000 ? netto in hand.

The car need a fresh upholstering for the bucket seat forwards and the =
seat, a battery of 6 volt, and to remount the storm-coat (I have it)"

I think the storm-coat is the hood! It is a pity that the car needed such a deep rebuild - probably by someone who was not particularly familiar with the model.

I also think he's talking Euros, so that translates roughly to GBP 44,000. I have asked for confirmation.

There were no photos attached to the e-mail, so I have asked if they can be re-sent.

I think H&H may be his best option. Or perhaps our friends and sponsors Hereford Vintage Auctions.

More anon.

Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:57 pm
by Ian Grace
Photos arrived from Belgium. They are fascinating, but need some pre-processing due to their format. I'll add a selection to this during the day.

The first one is on the home page.

Here's the next - the car ready for painting:


Next one. This is one good looking car:


One more for now:


Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:42 pm
by halbe
At a mere 44 thousand pounds sterling this car is a the wheel spinners and headlights :lol:
Is that price for real :shock:

Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:55 pm
by Ian Grace
That is evidently what Sotheby's has valued it at, but I'd also be shocked if it made anything close to this. Since this is guiding the expectation of the seller, he's not likely to let it go for much less that 50k Euros, which is why I'm advising him to auction it - or he might have a long wait for a buyer. But then that all depends on what reserve he would put on it. I'm talking to our friends at Hereford Vintage Auctions to get their perspective.

Here's another shot. Note the McEvoy finned manifold and downdraught SU.


Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:21 am
by Simon
Quite a lot of money bearing in mind that the VSCC will not let the purchaser in. :(

Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:32 am
by g4pyd
ridiculous estimate when you consider a mm valued at around £4.500
does that mean that our cars worth more. not even finished

Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:54 am
by Sam Christie
I am confused.Is McEvoy TJ 1876 fully restored? Any guesses on how Sotheby's arrived at this valuation? Has anyone asked Sotheby's to confirm this valuation ? Could it be a simple misunderstanding about the position of a decimal point?

Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:07 pm
by Ian Grace
Hi Sam,

There's a fascinating story evolving here - I'll post as much as is appropriate here later today, and I can e-mail you with the nitty gritty.


Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:30 pm
by Ian Grace
In a nutshell, the seller has fallen victim to sharp auctioneering practices. Can't say more as I might be done for libel! A number of people are working hard behind the scenes to resolve the situation. In the meantime, if anyone is genuinely interested in the car at a realistic price, let me know.

Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:50 am
by Ian Grace
This is (left to right), Frank Ashely, Bev Hicks and Chris Dunster at VMR Prescott last year. Bev sold the McEvoy to Tony Dunster, the brother of Chris, in 1976. There is probably more Morris experience and wisdom between these three gents than any other three you can think of.

That is Bev's Morris Flatnose Special which is one of the cars he now competes in regularly. Bev co-founded the Morris Specials Group five years ago, and the Group will be out in force again at Pre-War Prescott in July.


Re: McEvoy TJ 1876

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:18 pm
by Ian Grace
More this morning from Roger:

"Hello Ian,
I read these morning with the most intrest your E-Mail, and I also thinck that the estimation of 75000 € was inflate( I confess, it was not a real estimation because it was during a telephone conversation with Mr Lovett from H& H, and perhaps he said fifteen and I understood fifty; english is not my favorite language, especially if my correspondant speak too fast.
I join to these E-Mail the value estimated by the insurance expert, while the restoration was not complete finish, in the year 1990, and the espert said 800.0OO FB( about.. 20.000 €).
But, for exemple, if the car is saled for 25.000 €, and I had to pay the cost for the hamer, registration, transportation the car to the harbour of Ostend, the shipping to Great Britain, transportation to Buxton, export or income taxe, and so on, I don't thinck it is the best solution for me, and what about if the car is not sold ?
I am open to each reasonable offer, with a minimum of 25.000 € netto in hand; so I recover what I spended on the car.
I will be gratefull for your advice.
withe kind regards,