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Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:47 pm
by Highlander
Any updated news on this saloon? Highlander.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:13 pm
by chris lambert
Hi Alister,
I spoke with Sue Pocklington last week and she told me she has asked a local engineer to re-commission the car as she had not received any enquiries for it 'as it stood'. The idea is to get it running and then she believes it will be easier to sell. Then of course she could ask more for it than the current £3.5k. I hadn't the heart to tell her that there were currently 14 other unsold Minors trying to find a home. I don't know if the re-commissioning process has been started yet, but I thought the car pretty good value at that price and in that condition. Its a shame that we don't have anyone looking for a car at the moment.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:14 pm
by chris lambert
Hi Alister,
I spoke with Sue Pocklington (the owner) last week and she told me she has asked a local engineer to re-commission the car as she had not received any enquiries for it 'as it stood'. The idea is to get it running and then she believes it will be easier to sell. Then of course she could ask more for it than the current £3.5k. I hadn't the heart to tell her that there were currently 14 other unsold Minors trying to find a home. I don't know if the re-commissioning process has been started yet, but I thought the car pretty good value at that price and in that condition. Its a shame that we don't have anyone looking for a car at the moment.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:31 am
by Highlander
Thank for the update - where does Sue and the Minor live? Do you have a number I could ring? I am half tempted but will have trouble with her in doors! I have never had a small saloon as I have trouble getting into them. We will see. Thanks again, Highlander.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:31 am
by Highlander
Thank for the update - where does Sue and the Minor live? Do you have a number I could ring? I am half tempted but will have trouble with her in doors! I have never had a small saloon as I have trouble getting into them. We will see. Thanks again, Highlander.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:14 am
by chris lambert
The car resides in Sleaford, Lincs. Sue's Telephone number is: 01529 415547

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:14 pm
by Highlander
Chris, Thank you for Sue's telephone number. I took the bull by the horns and rang her. She seem a lovey lady. She is not bothered if the car sells or not. She has three sons and none are interested. She seemed a little surprised at our resent interest after so long a lapse of time. It would appear that the inside is in very good condition and just needs a clean up. There are no cuts in the outside fabric, tyres may need replacing. The engine did run but she does not know why it does not run anymore and hence the engineer who may get it going. She did not say why she bought the minor in the first place (Is there a Mr Pocklington anywhere?) If she sells she wants £3500. I did not promise anything but did say I would be back to her one way or the other. As I mentioned last night my problem is not the money but her indoors - as I wear a kilt she wears the trousers!!!! I feel that this minor is too good to miss and I feel could be running in no time at all and for little cost. Thanks again Chris for your help - watch this space. Highlander.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:43 pm
by Ken Martin
It would be wonderful if you decide to get this remakable car Alister! I think it is a bargain and I will watch this space after the rally and our brief holiday in Norfolk with great anticipation and interest. Good luck with the decsion making process!

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:53 pm
by chris lambert
Its a shame you are not coming over to Suffolk at the weekend (with of course the lady 'indoors') as the we could all begin a charm offensive on your behalf and convince her that it is a very sensible thing to do!
Good luck with your quest.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:35 am
by halbe
Hello Alister,

Having the best of both worlds isn't something bad,it's there to be enjoyed :wink:
Good luck

Regards Halbe

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:50 pm
by Ian Grace
Well, Sue Pocklington has finally sold this car - to Roger Baker of the Vintage Petrol Pump Company up in Yorkshire. He plans to put the car on show in his petrol pump showroom/museum. Sue thinks he is 'going to get the car going', but knows no more than that - so don't expect to see it out and about any time soon ...

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:53 pm
by Highlander
I am pleased for Sue that her saloon is at last sold - I would have loved it but I don't have any spare money. It would have made a super little car and I am sure would have gone with little work. That is life. Highlander.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:33 am
by Highlander
I have just read the history of Olive Willat's KR 5670 - what a story. If I had knbown about all that 6 months ago that car would have been in my Motor House!! As I said yesterday "that is life" Highlander.

Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:22 pm
by Ian Grace
Yup, it has a wonderful history, which made the non-sale all the more perplexing. Roger is collecting the car from Sue on Wednesday and she has a membership form to give him - let's hope he joins and we can at least keep in touch with the car. The good news is that he plans to 'get it running' but has no intention of fiddling with the interior.

Still, if you are disappointed to have missed this one, then someone PLEASE pick up the '29 tourer I just posted on the site. This COULD also make an excellent car, but has lived a charmed life lately. When sold by Bonhams, it went to a chap who bought it for spares for his M Type! We suspect that it was he who stripped the Bath number, but mercifully sold it on (to Tony) shortly afterwards after deciding not to destroy it!

Here's the new interior, and perhaps more interestingly, the state of the cockpit.


Re: Whatever happened to the Maltby Fabric Saloon?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:59 am
by Highlander
I have just spoken to Kevin who is a near neighbour in Banstead (Not Croydon). I agree - this minor must be saved and Kevin said two or three members are interested so that is good news. Highlander.