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Minor SIG

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:10 pm
by chris lambert
Toby - I also contacted John D. before our 2006 North Norfolk trip in an effort to try and meet up with any Moris Register Minor owners whilst we were up there - I met with a similar response to that of Ian. If we go back again (decision making time at our Christmas meet Trevor, Roger?) then I will try once more because there must be owners up there who would like to test their car's ability against the rocket ship that is Trevor's 34 two seater!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:07 pm
by Toby
Maybe people don't like to use 'em!!! I will continue to try and drum up some interest for a minor based new years event, there is a minor owner/vmr member at the M.Reg noggin and I note that there are a few forum members in my area. If not then Hart.Wit sounds a good idea. My next task will be to try and put my location into the forum list-probably harder than outrunning Trevors rocket, although I think I gave it my best in Dorset! Chris- I now have "canine driver" as my screen saver, many thanks.

Canine Driver

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:32 pm
by chris lambert
At this years summer rally some drivers looked really ruff in the morning, especially after a night on the growl!


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:28 pm
by Toby
Barking!!! Needs a hair of the dog.

The greyhound can reach 42 miles an hour in under 5 seconds. My minor is slightly faster than a greyhound but in its own time, 75 years. (or is that 5 miles an hour in 42 seconds?)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:58 pm
by Trevor Wilkinson
Have you not considered the possibility that I own the car with the most optimistic speedo!! From where I sit the car does not appear rocket like, and I don't notice other Minors disappearing into the distance in my mirrors.


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:05 am
by Highlander
Dear fellow speedsters, I think my 1932 twp seater sv is the fastest minor in the land - however - I have three 30 MPH light up signs on nthe way to the golf club and I cannot get one of them to light up!!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:16 am
by john49
Must be a New Zealand shortcoming, as like Jack I'm not a big time Forum fan either. Having said that, there's certainly a need for it, but my preference is for e mail, to which I usually reply pretty swiftly. I check the VMR site daily, as you don't have to remember a password to log on..............
As a long standing member my opinion is that the VMR has been of immense value in helping owners with these cars. Heaven forbid if it were to fold. I do query the enormous pressure Ian is under producing what he does, and was disappointed the magazine wasn't proceeded with in electronic format.
Perhaps Ian has been too ambitious in his goals. That's not a criticism, it's praise for achieving a standard and service that most larger clubs would envy. Delegating some of the tasks, using modern technology efficiently, and reviewing what the Register does may help to lessen the load.


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:04 pm
by Toby
I was told by Roger that his modern couldn't keep up with my '32 2seater, that was on the lanes of dorset though, where the minor seemed to be at its best if you were to race one against a modern!!! I realised it was faster than I thought by lighting up 30 signs at 25mph, after that i felt less guilty about driving it on roads with speed limits of up to 50mph (except up hills). Must get speedo done before I get more points- they don't mean prizes. My speeding points so far have been in a marina and a 1992 landrover defender so old vehicles can get you into trouble!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:07 pm
by Trevor Wilkinson
I am getting confused, what is all this about fast and SV Minors in the same sentence, :? Not the normal language from SV owners :!:

VMR Anniversary

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:23 am
by Chris Rumble
As an Australian member I must admit I have not been active in using the fourm simply becuase most of the problems I need to have solved I can solve be speaking to fellow Australian members.

For what it is worth I thought I might put my 5 cents (that's about 2p in the UK...) worth in as someone who has nothing but admiration for the work that Ian has done over the past five years or so. My own personal knowledge of the cars has icnereased enormously and so has my pleasure in owning one of these wonderful cars due largely to Ian's efforts .

Having said that I agree with the people who says that there was a degree of inevetability to Ian's mental exhaustion given everything that he has done over the past few years. I have also had personal experience at taking on a project (in this case a tourist railway) and giving it my all until I was thoroughyl sick of the place - and pretty cranky with people who could not see things my wasy a la ian and the VSCC!

My advice Ian is to try to make sure you keep a balance in your life and don't be afraid to tell people that you have more things in your life than Vintage Minors.

Can I take this opportunity to apologise for being so passive about the issue of the magazines. My preference is for the old paper magazines to continue but if the choice comes down to electronic or none then the chioce is a no-brainer!

May I also say that I very much do appreciate the CD's that have accompanied the Yearbooks. My screen saver is a compilation of both CD with some addiotnal material. I am reminded of the VMR everyday at work.

Finally May I wish all VMR members and especially you Ian a very happy and enjoyable Christmas. and New Year. I will be spending the southern summart trying to get my diff repaired....

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:15 pm
by Ian Grace
Looks like we just hit 365 articles in just over a year. Let's see if we can double that in the next twelvemonth. The next post should be Chris Lambert posting a couple of pics of his cars - I just uploaded them for him.

Re: First Anniversary for VMR Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:19 pm
by chris lambert
The Forum will pass another significant milestone today with the arrival and passing of it's 1000'th post! It is amazing to think that in early November it had taken us almost twelve months to reach 289 posts and in the following 2 months another 700+ posts have joined that total. As Tony Gamble says elsewhere "What did we do before we started posting on the forum"? Probably fettled our cars and talked to the wife!

Re: First Anniversary for VMR Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:59 pm
by Tony Gamble

Very true. Or possibly talked to our cars and .... oops , sorry.

Probably a winter thing though Chris. I can't see us sitting at our PC's so much when the better weather comes.

Better weather ! That's reserved for the July Rally though .

Tony G

Re: First Anniversary for VMR Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:37 pm
by Ian Grace
This is a great renaissance for the forum, and long may it continue to grow. The signal to noise ratio is far better than some other forums I visit, and the number of interesting pics uploaded certainly adds to the interest. I also notice that we had as record seven people signed on at one point today.

As for forum use in the summer, it will probably be more, since we will be reporting increased activity in the motor home and on the highways and byways. And I'll be able to type more when my fingers aren't frozen! :x

Re: First Anniversary for VMR Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:04 pm
by Toby
Blimey, you'd better take down the trophy in the meeting place and update it now there's a new record! :D