Ian Judd's M Type accident

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Ian Grace
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Ian Judd's M Type accident

Post by Ian Grace »

I just received the following from Ian:

“I don’t think my M will get to Prescott. We were ‘T Boned’ (I think that’s the expression) by a speeder last September and are still recovering. I expect Judith and I would make it, but the car is pretty battered and needs a lot of work. It was life and death stuff, so still recovering four months later. But I am getting there and driving again for short trips. It will be longer before Judith drives again because of an eye injury. Occupants are very vulnerable in little open cars, but the M’s ash/plywood body protected us to a surprising extent. I don’t think ash/tin would have survived the rolling over. We might get to Prescott in July because I’ve just bought a ’33 Wolseley Hornet saloon which I’m hoping is as good as it appears. Bought unseen!”

Ian, you have my best wishes, and I’m sure I can speak for all of our members and our friends in sending very best wishes to you and Judith for a full and complete recovery.
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