Christmas virtual pub meet

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

This from Jonathan Newell this morning. Jonathan lives in Malmsbury and owns a 1932 2-seater.

"I left the RN this September after 38 years and now work for BAE Systems as Head of Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier Support in Portsmouth. During the summer I completely stripped CG1140 apart and have started the rebuild. I found quite a few horrors and I suspect that it will take me a lot longer to complete the rebuild, particularly living away from home during the week. Whatever happens I will get to Pre-War Prescott with a rolling chassis at the very least."
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Happy New Year everyone!!! :D :D :D

Here's to the best year yet for the Register - including our 15th Summer Rally (can you believe it?!), our 5th Pre-War Prescott, and not to mention SIX magazines!

See also the website for some great New year news regarding our new Honorary Member Peter Seymour - very appropriate as Peter was a great friend of the late Robin Barraclough who was an Honorary Member of the Register since 2007 and whom we sadly lost in December.

Cheers everyone!!! :D :D :D
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

New Year's morning at VMR HQ! Bailey (our English Springer) and Moose (our chocolate Labrador) hunting for moles in our front paddock.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Cannot believe another year is drawing to a close! Haven't had much time to think about Christmas yet, but the calendar tells me it is getting close and Jayne has it all planned out. We're heading across the mountains to our daughter Amanda and her family in Spirit Lake, Idaho for a big family Christmas, so it will certainly be a white one!

Let me be the first to offer everyone Season's greetings, a safe Christmas and a healthy and most prosperous New Year!
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »


Here's wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a vintage New Year!
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

I can't believe another year is drawing to a close. It has been another tremendous year for the Register. Early in the year we formalized what has been unofficial for years - that owners of any pre-war car can join the Register. The result has been a rapid growth in membership numbers and we now have a really splendid cross-section of pre-war cars in the hands of our membership. We had another record Summer Rally with an incredible 64 cars entered for the Sunday runs. And then a few days ago came the fantastic news that the VSCC has finally granted eligibility to all of the SV Minors.

Looking forward to 2018, we have another great year in prospect. We will be holding our second Australasian Rally at Hervey Bay in Queensland and Jayne and I are very excited at the prospect of finally meeting many Register members from the region. Then we have Pre-War Prescott and our second Pre-War Shuttleworth and through the year we hope to see the first SV Minors competing in VSCC events.

On a personal note, I took delivery of the Maddox from Ian Samuel in the summer and it is now undergoing a thorough mechanical overhaul before being repatriated to England, where it will be our rally car on summer holidays and in retirement.

Please post your year's vintage motoring (or restoration!) news and Christmas wishes here, and may Jayne and I be the first to offer our very best wishes to all our members around the world for Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by KartikeyaL »

Seasons greetings everyone, hope we all have a great Christmas and a better new year.
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

As another year draws to a close, time once again to look back over the last 12 months. It's been another fantastic year for the Register, with our Australian Rally at Hervey Bay and another superb weekend in the Cotswolds. Jayne and I were lucky enough to be able to attend both occasions and it was wonderful to meet so many Australian members for the first time in Queensland.

Membership continues to grow, and we passed membership number 600 a couple of weeks ago. Of course, we have lost many members over our 19 years as a Register, but membership currently stands at a record 263. The Magazine continues its established high standard, helped in no short measure by the quality of articles submitted by members. In particular, the Technical Topics articles sent in by Peter Hills have been very well received.

Looking ahead to next year, there's even more to look forward to. Entries for our Summer rally weekend are substantially up on this time last year, and have just reached the half century. We're expecting around 240 entries for Pre-War Prescott this year, and I'm upping the limit on the Sunday run to 80 cars. We will have strong contingents from Holland and Germany which will give the weekend a real international flavour.

Jayne and I are really looking forward to the 2019 Summer Rally for two reasons. First, I hope to have my Maddox shipped in time to take part and second, we will be traveling with our children and five grandchildren.

Looking further ahead to 2020, we will be marking the Register's 20th Anniversary and there will be announcements regarding how we intend to celebrate that significant milestone in due course.

Sadly, this virtual pub is dry! But we will be raising a glass to all our members on Christmas morning! Cheers!

(Please feel free to post YOUR Christmas wishes below.)
Ian Grace
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Well, nil response last year so I thought I'd try again!

Jayne and I would like to wish you all a very special Christmas and a wonderful, healthy and prosperous New Year.

This has been a very busy year for us, not only because of the record Summer rally and Pre-War Prescott. We were able to bring most of our family with us in July including both our children and our five grand children! And just last weekend I was able to take delivery of my old Semi-sports LJ 4435 after selling it back in 2008. Its also been hectic at work as we prepare to fly the prototype Boeing 777X, scheduled for 6th January, but I'm expecting that to slip a bit. Once it, and three other flight test aircraft are airbourne in the spring, I'll be supporting the flight test program, so will be working round the clock which is why I'm trying to get as much prep work for next June done as possible before then.

We'd love to hear your year's news, so please post here along with any seasonal wishes for our happy band of Minorisits and Minoristes!

And if you are heading to one of the many New Year's meets, please let everyone know here and also perhaps post a photo or two for everyone's enjoyment.

Finally, Jayne and I are expecting some VERY big news over Christmas, and if it happens, we'll be announcing it here, so keep an eye on the forum over the holidays.

With all best wishes,

Ian and Jayne
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

So here we are again, and I must say it's been a bit quiet in here these last few Christmases! But as I mentioned in our December Newsletter, Christmas 2020 might be a very good time to meet up and share season's greetings and all our news as a bit of light relief and a way around the various lockdowns that have marred the year.

Do please pop in here during December to share a few words and a virtual pint with fellow forumists. I'll be propping up the bar and waiting for you!

And if you are planning to visit any real New Year's Day pub meets (if you are able), please let us know here, so others might be able to meet up with you on the day. Similarly, if you do manage to venture out, do post some pics and a bit of a report here for us all to enjoy. (Let me know if you need any help posting pictures.)


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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

It has been a busy year for Jayne and I. A big disappointment was having to scrub the Summer Rally and also our once-a-year trip to England. But a far bigger disappointment was that we were about to complete on a fantastic little listed thatched cottage in Defford - just north of Prescott, but Covid struck at the worst possible moment and put paid to that plan. But we shall try again as we plan our return to England and to retirement (or more like semi-retirement!) in 2022.

On the positive side, I was able to buy back my old Semi-sports LJ 4435 (the ex-Captain Angus Hambro Bed-Pan) and also acquire Geoff Colquitt's lovely 1929 Minor tourer, so we have not one but two Minos awaiting us in England! I have always had a particular soft spot for the early nickel radiator Minor tourers and i could not be more delighted with picking up this super example.

Also on the positive side is that, despite the difficulties this year, the Register has gone from strength to strength and we now have a record 256 members around the world.

Finally, putting our antipodean Magazine M 175 was great fun and I hope that it helped our member down under feel more connected to the Register.

Looking ahead to 2021, we are REALLY hoping that our Summer Rally can go ahead as normal and with no serious restrictions - and particularly no restrictions on spectators. We shall see, but are very hopeful.

Another pint?
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

John Emmett is putting his D Type to good use!

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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Ian Grace »

Mike Tebbett just sent in this link - London traffic in 1932. An incredible mix of transportation. This is how it was done before traffic lights.

Spot the Minors! ...
Simon Johnston
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Simon Johnston »

As Ian knows, I’ve been doing a bit of reading up on our 8” brakes and hope to offer some ideas for interesting performance improvements in the near future. But this is the sort of technical paper I’m struggling with. I wasn’t bad at maths at skule, but this is ridiculous :shock:
1B83BC8A-6F47-429B-95A5-8D863E8E3FB3.jpeg (125.23 KiB) Viewed 14951 times
Hopefully the improvements I’m envisaging will be easier to understand!
Simon Johnston
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Re: Christmas virtual pub meet

Post by Simon Johnston »

Ian Grace wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:04 pm Mike Tebbett just sent in this link - London traffic in 1932. An incredible mix of transportation. This is how it was done before traffic lights.

Spot the Minors! ...
In Belfast in the 1960s there was a six way junction controlled for many years at peak times by a single policeman on point duty - Constable White. At Christmas time he would be standing on duty at his usual spot surrounded by Christmas presents given by grateful motorists. The junction now has four or five sets of traffic lights!
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