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Re: Happenings

Post by SideValveMan »

Ian Grace wrote:So I check the forum through the day and often see distant friends logged on - and then the disappear again without posting anything. So perhaps I could encourage loggers-on to post a few words by asking for a quick update on this thread with any news snippets. I can't believe there is no restoration work going on, and that nobody is driving their Minor - at all?!

What you say there isn't anything new. As you may know I run the VW Karmann Coachbuilts forum and despite the fact it has over 500 registered members (a good number are "lurkers) the number of posts made by members goes in peaks and toughs.

One of the hardest jobs of the Admin staff is trying to keep things moving and getting forum members to participate.

One way I have found of getting members to post is detailing the Karmann Restorations I have done (7 so far) - so lots of photographs and lots of text to accompany the photo's. Also fixes and repairs to certain items go down well.

Forum members often ask 'how did you do that', 'what tool was used', 'is it better to...' etc.

Perhaps some threads along similar lines might help?

Lastly I should mention that Facebook has a lot to answer for. There are just too many groups (for the VW's at least) and people tend to spend more time on there than they do on the forum. Facebook consumes their free time.

Just like I read on here, we too have members that don't have a Facebook account, don't want one and have no interest in Facebook what-so-ever. I don't blame them either!

VW Karmann Gipsy

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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

October Newsletter just launched into the ether!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Currently in Cedar Rapids, Iowa - middle of nowhere, 'onboarding' for two weeks with Rockwell Collins before heading back to Seattle to work with Boeing on the new 777X. Temperature is hovering around minus 23, and that's F not C, and you can take another 20 degrees off for windchill! Colder than the south pole right now! And plenty of snow. But on the bright side of things, I cannot wait to the weekend to visit the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art where they hold the world's greatest collection of ... west African door locks! :o :o :o

Just waiting to hear that M 151 has been posted - expected to ship tomorrow. The printers shut down for two weeks over Christmas!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Our Summer Rally three weeks today! Currently hacking through the To Do list at a pace, but still tons to do. Loads of printing, completing the Programme and getting it to the printers, sorting the decor, etc. for the Clubhouse for the evening party, not to mention completing M 154 Magazine and getting that across to, so those members booked for the Summer Rally can pick theirs up on the weekend.

The huge task just completed yesterday was the ticketing of all entrants to date. About 150 envelopes filled with the correct tickets and paperwork, 150 labels prepared, then all packed and FedEx'ed off to Colin Lee who will post on to everyone. The package should be with him next Thursday. From this point on, ticketing will be done on an individual basis as entries arrive. Jayne and I fly two weeks today, arriving Sunday 12 and we're spending a couple of days in bath before heading up to Cirencester to stay with the Baldings, which is our usual base camp for Prescott. We will be checking out the Sunday route on Thursday this year, so we have Friday to get Prescott ready - we have a lot to do this year with all sorts of Battle of Britain related decor, etc.

Right now, we have 15 Minors definitely confirmed for the weekend and a few more in the offing. Hopefully we will match or exceed the record of 18 set last year. The total entry with three weeks to go, and after a handful of cancellations due to illness, etc. stands at 123, so I'm guessing around 150 in the Paddock on Saturday, which will be another record, and not counting the military vehicles.

We also have a record 36 cars entered so far for Sunday, and I may have to limit this to 40, as we are doing something quite special at the conclusion at Stanway House which will limit numbers somewhat. The prize for the winner of that something will be the superb 1:48 scale pewter model Spitfire crafted by Diversified Systems and both the navigation rallyists and the scenic tourists will be able to compete for it. All very interesting and unique - can't wait!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Took just a few moments break from rally planning today ...


Son William came along too. Actually, it was his Father's Day present - thanks son!


An unforgettable day!
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Just checked in at Heathrow and having breakfast before heading home to Seattle via Vancouver. It's been a super but all to brief visit, so we're looking forward to planning next year's rally already.

The Summer Rally weekend was superb and it was great to meet up with so many members again. We were incredibly lucky with the weather with only a brief shower on Sunday morning, otherwise dry and sunny, particularly for the Hurricane display.

Once we get back, I'll be posting lots of photos and a report on the weekend.
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Re: Happenings

Post by Ian Grace »

Lots going on at VMR HQ!

Magazine M 155 should be with everyone any day - the green light to print was issued last week. The November Newsletter is also being prepared but is waiting for some final tweaks of the Pre-War Prescott 2016 website to go live first. The website (www.prewarprescott.com) is being professionally updated and once it goes live, entries will be officially open for our Summer Rally and Pre-War Prescott 2016.

Once the Prescott website is sorted and working smoothly, we may then tackle the VMR website in similar style, which would then enable online summer rally entries, membership applications, renewals, etc.

In the meantime, if anyone has any material for the Newsletter or the Winter Magazine (M 156), do send it in ASAP!
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